Six Ways to Celebrate National Gardening Week

Six Ways to Celebrate National Gardening Week

Do something positive for you, your community, and the planet’s health by celebrating National Gardening Week. A two-minute read.

Do something positive for you, your community, and the planet’s health by celebrating National Gardening Week. A two-minute read.
There’s nothing quite like a bit of digging, watering, or pruning to calm the nerves and soothe the soul.
Gardening is good for our mental and physical health, reducing the risk of depression, osteoporosis, and stroke and – added bonus alert – it’s great for the environment, too!
Along with making our surroundings look nicer, gardening cleans the air and soil, helps fight global warming, and supports wildlife.
That’s why it’s time to get behind the Royal Horticultural Society’s National Gardening Week, which kicks off next week (2 – 8 May). Even if you don’t have a garden, you can still participate.
Here are six ways to celebrate National Gardening Week in Maldon.
1)     If you have little ones in your life (children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews), make flower crowns or daisy chains with them. While you’re busy making, chat to them about the wonders of nature.
2)     Build a bug hotel in your garden using recycled natural materials such as terracotta pots, logs, twigs, and wooden pallets. Bug hotels attract insects such as bees (excellent for pollinating your plants), ladybirds, and woodlice. And if you’re lucky, the odd frog or hedgehog might check in, too.
3)     If you don’t have any outdoor space, liven up your windowsill with a colourful flower box or plant some pots of herbs like oregano, chives, and mint (they’ll taste great in your cooking).
4)     It’s not too late to get started on a veggie patch in your garden by planting tomatoes, beetroot, carrots, and courgettes. Add a few sweet peas, too – you can’t eat them, but they produce colourful flowers that are pollinator-friendly, so they will improve your crop yield.
5)     Join a gardening club or wildlife society where you can learn more about the natural world and meet people with similar interests.
6)     Put your name down for an allotment. Bag yourself a plot on an allotment and you’re bound to meet other greenfingers with whom you can swap gardening tips and produce.
We’d love to see what you’re growing at home. Take a snap and share it with us on social media at Holden Estate Agents Facebook Page. #NationalGardeningWeek

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